Online Property Sales & Rentals

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Contact person: Online Property Sales & Rentals
+61753134008 [email protected]
Service category: Property Services
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Online Property Sales was developed upon realizing that print advertising and other advertising mediums were not measurable, non targeted, ineffective and expensive! Having extensive experience in the industry, we certainly understand the power and importance of the world wide web.

Most of our business is generated by past clients and referrals which is a massive compliment to our service. We work hard and we sell properties fast so start packing!

We also have a Property Management team and a Holiday Rentals team. We would be delighted to talk to you about professionally managing your property and maximizing your return.

If you are looking to buy, sell or rent anywhere on the Sunshine Coast , call us for a chat or you can find us online, anywhere, anytime…and we will put you in touch with our nearest licensed agent.

Our head office is located at 37 Flinders Lane Maroochydore if you want to pop in for a chat and coffee.

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Contact person: Online Property Sales & Rentals
+61753134008 [email protected]
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